Tag Archive for: Laurie Griffin

President’s Message – July 2024

I hope everyone is having a good summer and taking advantage of some painting time in the cool of your homes. Membership has requested summer mini-workshops and we’re pleased to let you know the dates and the community center have been reserved for June and July of next year.

I am pleased to announce that starting in September, Susan Grabowski, sgrabbers@aol.com and Susan Carden-Flicker, scarden@snet.net will be your coordinators and hosts for the mini-workshops.

They have graciously volunteered to fill the role. In September, you’ll see the website updated with their contact information.

Our Mini-Workshop topics and artists for August, September and October are set, including the much-requested one about entering art shows. Click on the listings/photos below for more information and to register.

The supply lists will appear on the registration confirmation page. Additional drawings and information may be sent by the workshop team closer to the event date.

Other upcoming events include the FWS Convention, September 20-21 in St. Petersburg. The Wildlife Show will be returning, more details to come.

Please take a minute thank a Board Member – a lot of visible work done by volunteers and committee leads is seen at events and art shows. The day-to-day operation of the organization goes on behind the scenes with the BWS Board. They and the previous board, have been invaluable in helping me the last two years as president.

  • Donna Ware, VP and Membership – she keeps track of the current members, new and tenured. She also offers to help any time I reach out for assistance. Always present and available.
  • Sheila Harnois, Secretary – as the business and ideas flow excitedly at our meetings, both General and Board, Shelia captures it all. It’s not an easy job and all the previous secretaries will attest!
  • Linda South, Treasurer – has worked innumerable hours to better automate and shore up our financial record keeping. She’s been a rock for me. She’s a strong leader and functions well in the early morning hours too.

Speaking of the board, elections will be held at the General Meeting on Saturday, September 7, 12-3 pm. Two positions are open: President and Vice President – 2-3 Workshops. In May a Nominations Committee was formed with members Therese Ferguson, Laurie Griffin and Maria Trieste. A formal announcement of volunteers for the roles is expected in August. Lynn Devlin has volunteered for the role of President. Please join us for the elections meeting and show your support for the election of the new Board Members.

Going forward, the General Meetings will start at noon, the first hour will be a brown bag lunch/socializing opportunity, followed by the business meeting at 1:00 pm.

“Whether you succeed or not is irrelevant, there is no such thing. Making your unknown known is the important thing.”
– Georgia O’Keeffe


– Teri Mahnken

Teri Mahnken
President, Brevard Watercolor Society

Happy Spring!

February brought us a really splashy Splash with heavy rain on Sunday. Despite the weather challenges we had over 900 attendees! Congratulations to our winners – we had some magnificent entries. Many thanks to all those who entered. Thank you to all the volunteers who made it happen (over 50% of our membership).

BWS president Terri Mahnken, J. Susan Cole Stone and Ruth Fein awarding Susan with the 2024 Splash win for her painting Fifty Shades of Grey #2.

BWS president Terri Mahnken, J. Susan Cole Stone and Ruth Fein. Susan’s painting “Fifty Shades of Grey #2” was the overall winner of Splash 2024.

Laurie Griffin did another amazing job in coordinating everyone and making Splash as success for individuals, the membership and the community. This was her last year as coordinating and we are in need of someone to take on the role for next year.

Long time member, Barbara Brook, led a 2-day workshop on Batik watercolor. We had 15 attend. Over the two days we created two major pieces and some smaller ones. I am always so astonished and appreciative of the skills I learn during workshops.

Happy group of artists at Barbara Brooks’s 2-day Batik Workshop.

Many of you have requested social events, beyond general meetings and workshops. The Board will be meeting in early April with part of our agenda being planning one or two for you. We’ve received lots of ideas!

We have one general meeting left before our Summer break, on Saturday, May 11, 1-3 pm. The next general meeting after that, in September is……Elections. You know where I’m going with this. 😊

  • We’ve had one member come forward with an interest in the Presidency or Vice President/Workshop position. We will be talking more to see if the presidency is a fit for her. We must have a President and really need the VP position filled so the presidency isn’t a full-time job.
  • We need to know by the May meeting if we can fill these positions so we can familiarize everyone with their roles and have them be ready to step in, in September. Conversely, if we don’t have interest in the positions, we’ll have to prepare to dissolve the non-profit status. Please contact me if you will help.

Thank you again and still for the outpouring of support. I enjoy hearing from all of you with your feedback and ideas for the group. You’re the best.

See you all soon!

“If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.”
– Vincent Van Gogh


– Teri Mahnken

Teri Mahnken
President, Brevard Watercolor Society

Holiday Greetings from the President

(Painting by Therese Ferguson)

Happy Holidays, everyone!

I hope this finds you enjoying the preparations and not feeling stressed out. I do my preparations early and use this time to wind down and reflect on all I’ve accomplished and hope to take on in the new year.

I didn’t get as much painting and learning in this year as I had hoped. I’m looking forward into 2024 for the opportunities to spend more time with a brush in my hand. The first quarter of 2024 is going to bring on lots of opportunities for BWS members to meet and learn. Let’s take a look….

  • General Meeting, Saturday, January 13, 1-3pm. We need a person to demo the last part of the meeting – who can help us out?
  • Mini Workshop, Winter Landscape with Ed Carlson, Saturday January 27 11:30am-3:30pm (special time). Two spaces available. Please email me directly.
  • Splash of Watercolor, Saturday and Sunday, February 17-18, 2024. Volunteers needed to keep the show fabulous! Prospectus is online.
  • General Meeting, Saturday. March 9, 1-3pm. Demo artist will be Barbara Brook demoing Batik.
  • Watercolor Batik on Rice Paper – 2-day workshop with Barbara Brook. We’ve been anxiously awaiting this one! Register online.
  • Mini Workshop – Overcoming Plein Hurdles, Plein Air Painting with Susan Blakeslee, Saturday, March 30, 1-3pm. Register online.

As you can see above, we now can register online for the mini-workshops. Your confirmation will include the artist’s supply list.

The Board is working on some social offerings for us – not meetings and workshops, but opportunities to socialize and sometimes just paint together. More details to come.

A few reminders:

  • Annual memberships are due in January, no later than your Splash entry! They are tax deductible, so December might be a goal to get that taken care of. CLICK HERE to take care of it. We value you as a member. Your beautiful art and souls are the heartbeat of this group!
  • Splash needs helpers for the show – Please reach out to Laurie Griffin if you can assist.
  • We still have two mini-workshops in 2024 that need artists to lead: August 24 and September 21. I would love to put the scheduling to bed for 2024.

The Board and I wish to thank you all for your contributions this year – for your participation, for your time, and for your support.

I wish you all much joy for the rest of the year and in 2024!

“Art is nothing but humanized science.” – Gino Severini

– Teri Mahnken

Teri Mahnken
President, Brevard Watercolor Society

BWS Members Attend FWS Convention

The Florida Watercolor Society‘s 48th Annual Exhibition and Convention was amazing! The convention was headquartered at the Doubletree Hotel and Resort, just steps away from SeaWorld in Orlando near International Drive. The Florida Watercolor Society (FWS) has over 1,000 members and it seemed like all of them were there, including a large contingent from Brevard Watercolor Society. The Trade Show was great, and most of us came away with giant bags filled with new products and great buys on almost everything. There was lots of free stuff as well.

There were many wonderful demonstrations, workshops and great teachers, including BWS members Therese Ferguson and Frank Spino. Carol Carter, the jurist, gave a detailed review of the 100-plus paintings. It was very educational, as the features of each painting were commented on and why it was chosen for the exhibition. Many stars were spotted, and the “who’s who” of the watercolor world were even approachable.

Lori Jenkins won the raffle for TWO of the paintings generated as paint-arounds. Way to go, Lori! There were also many great things in the FWS Silent Auction.

The reception was held at Leu Gardens, a wonderful destination on its own. Beauty beyond belief. The exhibition was beautifully hung in salon style, with 103 paintings on display.

BWS Participating Artists

  • Therese Ferguson, “Double Reds With Stripes”
    Winner of The LaVerne Philips Memorial Award  ($1000)
  • Lori Pitten Jenkins, “The World Is Your Oyster”
    Winner of The Ruby Grace Denson Memorial Award/Holbein Award ($880)
    Gift of Terry Denson in honor all grade school art teachers ($500) and gift of Holbein ($380)
  • Debby Marriott, “Señora Habana”
    New FWS Signature Winner
  • Mary Salvage, “Driving Rain”
    New FWS Signature Member
  • Ruth Foreman, “Javier”
  • Frank Spino, “Transparent Lemon”
  • Barbara Brennan, “Stratosphere”
  • Kathie Benson, “Community of Trees”

Congratulations to all of our BWS artists in the show!

FWS 2020 Online Show

To those who entered but weren’t chosen for the exhibition, consider entering the FWS 2020 Online Show. It opened for entries on October 5th through Saturday, November 30th. The FWS Online Show accepts entries from FWS Non-Signature Members in good standing whose dues are paid on or before November 25th, 2019, and those who did NOT win an award in the 48th Annual Exhibition, and to new members who join by November 25th, 2019. You can find more information on the FWS website, or view and download the FWS 2020 Online Show brochure.

Please click on the photos below to enlarge:

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