Tag Archive for: Diane Harmon

16th Annual “Watercolor Paintings from the Refuge” Show, Reception and Awards

BWS / Merritt Island Wildlife Association (MIWA)
16th Annual “Watercolor Paintings from the Refuge”

November 1, 2019 – January 31, 2020
MINWR Visitor Center, 1987 Scrub Jay Way, Titusville, FL

Thirty one beautiful paintings from Brevard Watercolor Society members were chosen by judge Judy Mercer. Categories for art this year were Refuge Flora, Fauna, and Life on the Indian River Lagoon. Awards were presented at the Opening Reception at the Refuge Visitor Center on Sunday, November 3, 2019, which included:

Best of Show: Therese Ferguson, “Prickly Pears”
MIWA Award: Susan Smith, “Cleared for Landing”
Best of Life on the Lagoon: Mikey Riedl, “Laguna De Ais”
Best of Flora: Therese Ferguson, “Prickly Pears”
Best of Fauna: Susan Smith, “Cleared for Landing”
Merit Award: Darleen Hunt, “Red Kayak”
Merit Award: Cindy McKee, “Gliding Towards Sunset”

Click on the photos below to enlarge:

Our thanks to the Merritt Island National Wildlife Association and Refuge for their support and enthusiasm in hosting the show and reception. Hats off to our judge Judy Mercer, as well as MINWR’s Kim King-Wrenn and Layne Hamilton for selecting the MIWA Award. As always, we are grateful for Co-Chairs Darleen Hunt and Therese Ferguson.

In addition to congratulating the award winners, we applaud the artists who were chosen to exhibit in this year’s show: Mary Antes, Kathie Benson, Barbara Burkhardt, Pete Crumpacker, Jeanette Drake, Therese Ferguson, Diane Harmon, Darleen Hunt, Dorothy Koliba, Susan Kessler, Christiane Kopp, Beth Kring, Phyllis Lappert, Phyllis Marple, Carol Marshall, Connie Marshall, Cindy McKee, Beverly Morgan, Mikey Riedl, Susan Smith, Sue Tully, Lolly Walton and Debbie Whalen.

Please be sure to visit the exhibition, on view until January 30, 2020 at the MINWR Visitor Center, 1987 Scrub Jay Way in Titusville.

BWS Members Attend FWS Convention

The Florida Watercolor Society‘s 48th Annual Exhibition and Convention was amazing! The convention was headquartered at the Doubletree Hotel and Resort, just steps away from SeaWorld in Orlando near International Drive. The Florida Watercolor Society (FWS) has over 1,000 members and it seemed like all of them were there, including a large contingent from Brevard Watercolor Society. The Trade Show was great, and most of us came away with giant bags filled with new products and great buys on almost everything. There was lots of free stuff as well.

There were many wonderful demonstrations, workshops and great teachers, including BWS members Therese Ferguson and Frank Spino. Carol Carter, the jurist, gave a detailed review of the 100-plus paintings. It was very educational, as the features of each painting were commented on and why it was chosen for the exhibition. Many stars were spotted, and the “who’s who” of the watercolor world were even approachable.

Lori Jenkins won the raffle for TWO of the paintings generated as paint-arounds. Way to go, Lori! There were also many great things in the FWS Silent Auction.

The reception was held at Leu Gardens, a wonderful destination on its own. Beauty beyond belief. The exhibition was beautifully hung in salon style, with 103 paintings on display.

BWS Participating Artists

  • Therese Ferguson, “Double Reds With Stripes”
    Winner of The LaVerne Philips Memorial Award  ($1000)
  • Lori Pitten Jenkins, “The World Is Your Oyster”
    Winner of The Ruby Grace Denson Memorial Award/Holbein Award ($880)
    Gift of Terry Denson in honor all grade school art teachers ($500) and gift of Holbein ($380)
  • Debby Marriott, “Señora Habana”
    New FWS Signature Winner
  • Mary Salvage, “Driving Rain”
    New FWS Signature Member
  • Ruth Foreman, “Javier”
  • Frank Spino, “Transparent Lemon”
  • Barbara Brennan, “Stratosphere”
  • Kathie Benson, “Community of Trees”

Congratulations to all of our BWS artists in the show!

FWS 2020 Online Show

To those who entered but weren’t chosen for the exhibition, consider entering the FWS 2020 Online Show. It opened for entries on October 5th through Saturday, November 30th. The FWS Online Show accepts entries from FWS Non-Signature Members in good standing whose dues are paid on or before November 25th, 2019, and those who did NOT win an award in the 48th Annual Exhibition, and to new members who join by November 25th, 2019. You can find more information on the FWS website, or view and download the FWS 2020 Online Show brochure.

Please click on the photos below to enlarge:

September 14, 2019 General Meeting

From Donah Miller, BWS President:

Summer is fading. Now, it’s time for us to prepare for our upcoming BWS fall and winter events. I hope you had a very relaxing summer, and are eager to join the other BWS members in making this one of the most artistic seasons in BWS history.

Our September meeting is packed with opportunities where our members can demonstrate their eagerness to make BWS the best art society in the county, and maybe the state. Some have already volunteered to help BWS this year. For example, Frank Spino has agreed to show us his excellent artistic skills by doing a demo at the September 14th meeting. Also, Pat Bowlds, a very multi-talented lady, has agreed to be our new webmaster. Diane Harmon and Therese Ferguson have agreed to be on our election committee this year.

“What can I do to help,” you ask? Well, I just happen to have a list of current needs at BWS. Feel free to step forward and take on one of the duties. Brevard Watercolor Society needs your help.

Here are some of our current needs:

  1. We need to elect officers for 1st VP (Workshops), 2nd VP (Membership) and Secretary.
  2. We need a chair for Splash (one person or a small committee).
  3. We need greeters to sign in and welcome members and visitors at our general meetings, and mini workshops.
  4. We need more used art supplies for our recycle table. These proceeds go toward art education in our county.

See you at the September 14th meeting,

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