Splash! of Watercolor Art Show
February 15-16, 2024
Azan Shrine Temple
1591 W Eau Gallie Blvd, Melbourne, FL 32935
Show Applications must be postmarked or entered online by Monday, February 3, 2025 Wednesday, February 5, 2025.
Marketplace applications must be emailed by Monday, February 3, 2025 Wednesday, February 5, 2025. First come first served.
Open to all BWS members whose dues have been paid by January 1, 2025, or with your SPLASH 2025 application. Make membership checks payable to: Brevard Watercolor Society, Inc. Two entries per member are allowed in each the JUDGED and SHOWCASE AREAS (4 total) (see size restrictions for each area).
Eligible Artwork for Judged Gallery
- Eligible artwork is limited to water-soluble watercolor media no acrylic, water-soluble oils, pastels or encaustics. Paintings may be on all surfaces created for water-media (paper, clay coated or synthetic surfaces, illustration or paper mounted board, watercolor canvas).
- All work must be the artist’s own original work painted by you from your own photograph. Original means the painting is the artist’s own composition and design and not a copy of another artist’s work or painted in a class or workshop. Photo reference material must not have been taken by anyone other than you, the entrant. Photo references NOT allowed include purchased images, permission-granted photos taken by others, stock photos, or copyrighted images either published or unpublished.
- Collage is acceptable if it is from paper painted by the artist in water media in an aqueous manner.
- Photographic reproductions, giclee, computer generated art, or diptychs are not acceptable.
- Paintings may be up to one full sheet (22”x 30”). The minimum size in this category is considered a painting not smaller than 8”x 11”.
- All entries must be executed after January 1, 2023, and not previously shown in a BWS sponsored show. MIWA entries will be allowed in the SHOWCASE GALLERY area.
- Frames must be simple wood or metal, no larger than 44” in any direction, with a frame not exceeding 3” wide.
- No ornate, carved, or colorful frames. If you have any questions on whether a frame is acceptable, please contact Lynn Tweed (321) 698-5423.
- Mats may be single or double. One ¼” colored liner is acceptable. Top mat must be white all the way through. If white is in the name of the mat board, it is acceptable.
- Paintings must be wired with braided picture wire, under plexiglass, ready to hang. Sprayed or varnished paintings do not need to be under plexiglass. No glass and no saw tooth hangers will be accepted.
- For varnished work including paintings on flat or cradled Aquabord, Claybord, or other approved watercolor substrates:
- Flat, varnished 1/8″ panels must be in a sturdy frame with no linen liners. Floater frames conforming to guidelines accepted.
- Cradled work must be between 1.5” – 2” deep and securely wired for hanging. Cradle edges may be natural, black, or white. You may stain the cradle in a natural wood color, but do not paint it any bright color.
- Paintings done directly on the cradled board or on approved substrates that are mounted on the cradled board are acceptable.
- Work not under plexiglass must be varnished.
- Please note: by submitting unglazed, varnished work, you accept that your work is more vulnerable to damage such as chipping, scratching, etc., for which BWS is not responsible, no matter the cause.
- The frame must be securely wired for hanging in the correct orientation. Plastic-coated wire is preferred, secured to D-strap hangers screwed into the frame or cradle (not attached to the cardboard on the back) or to proper metal frame hangers. NO sawtooth hangers will be accepted. No screw eyes.
- The 1st painting entry fee is $25; the 2nd painting entry fee is $10.
- Paintings not conforming to the above rules will not be hung in the exhibition and entry fees will not be refunded. The BWS screening committee’s decision is final.
Emerging Artist Award
Please indicate on your application if you have never won any award in any category at a Splash show and would like to be considered in the “Emerging Artist” category. This award has been created to encourage BWS members who haven’t won at Splash to enter and continue to create!
Showcase Gallery
This is your chance – In the showcase area you can demonstrate some of the new things you are trying.
- You can use any photograph that you have permission to use and does not infringe on anyone’s copyright (for example: you can use free reference for artists, photos covered by common copyright, family photographs or photos taken by friends – but no artwork from magazines or calendars or any other photographs that you don’t have explicit permission to use).
- You may enter experimental work of water-based media.
- Frame style restrictions do not apply. Watercolor canvas and varnished paintings do not need to be under plexiglass.
- Ornate, carved, or colorful frames may be used. (Not to exceed 44” on any side)
- Mat color restrictions do not apply.
- Please follow the instructions from the Judged Gallery for framing and preparing your work for hanging.
- The 1st painting entry fee is $15; the 2nd painting entry fee is $10.
Take In & Take Out
For Judged and Showcase Paintings, use the Azan Shrine Center front door.
- Take In: Friday, February 14th – 9:00-10:00 a.m.
If you are unable to bring your paintings Friday morning, please contact Lynn Tweed, (321) 698-5423 to arrange delivery Thursday evening. - Take Out: Sunday, February 16th – 4:00-4:30 p.m.
No early removal of paintings. By entering the show, you agree to leave your work hanging through 4:00 p.m. Sunday (unless buyer requests early delivery). If someone is picking up your work for you, you will provide signed instructions indicating who has permission to pick up your work.
Artists’ Marketplace
- The Artists’ Marketplace is a separate room at the show where artist may set up a display for their unframed work to sale to the public. There are 18 tables that can be shared by artists. Spaces will be assigned according to the postmark date. No advance reservations.
- A single space is $30 and $15 per person to share a space.
- Tables, tablecloths and chairs will be provided. Feel free to decorate your table.
- All artwork in this area must be clearly labeled: Original, Giclee or Print; Artist name; title of work and price.
- ONLY UNFRAMED ART may be exhibited and sold (e.g. originals, prints, bookmarks, greeting cards, calendars, and small merchandise featuring your original artwork (t-shirts, mugs, pens) with the exception of small framed artwork under 5×7”.
- Table-top greeting card holders are allowed, but not floor stands. One browse box per artist.
- Artist participation in the Marketplace must set up between 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm on Thursday, February 13th or between 9:00 am and 11 am on Friday, February 14th.
- You will be entering through the west door to bring in your artwork.
- You can start closing and removing your work at 3:30 on Sunday, through the west side doors only.
- THE PARTICIPATING ARTISTS MUST VOLUNTEER TO WORK A SHIFT AT SPLASH (other than marketplace) AND IN MARKETPLACE AREA AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE BUT AT LEAST HALF A DAY (NO EXCEPTIONS). You may, however, stay in your booth area as long as you wish during the show.
- To reserve a table please contact Ginny Wright, 321-432-4601. Tables are first come, first served so contact Ginny as soon as possible. Registration will be open until all the tables are filled or February 3, 2025. Please include in your email your name, phone number, email and whether or not you will be sharing a table. Include your marketplace entry fee ($30 for one table, $15 for ½ table) with your Splash entry form.
Friday Night Opening Reception
February 14, 2024 • 6-8 pm
HeART of Florida
Open to all BWS Members and Guests
Light refreshments will be served
We will have large themed raffle baskets assembled by the Basket Coordinators & Silent Auction Chair: Barbara Harris, Marjorie Carey, Beth Kring, Karen Guiliano and Sue Grabowski
We are requesting cash donations for
the Raffle and Auction
Technique Demos ~ Product Demos ~ Painting Demos
Spaces open on Saturday and Sunday
To sign up, contact Therese Ferguson: 321-749-6962
Awards Values
1st Place – $500
2nd Place – $300
3rd Place – $200
Emerging Artist Award -$200
People’s Choice Award – $100
… and more
Volunteers Needed!
Please contact the lead of the area you want to work in OR Ginny Wright, 321-432-4601. We need help with front door greeters, baskets, raffles, silent auction, 50/50, cashiers, Friday reception, demonstrations, membership table, signs, cinnamon bun sales, paint-a-round ticket sales, signs, setup and takedown. Please let us know as soon as possible when and where you can help!