Tag Archive for: Cindy McKee

16th Annual “Watercolor Paintings from the Refuge” Show, Reception and Awards

BWS / Merritt Island Wildlife Association (MIWA)
16th Annual “Watercolor Paintings from the Refuge”

November 1, 2019 – January 31, 2020
MINWR Visitor Center, 1987 Scrub Jay Way, Titusville, FL

Thirty one beautiful paintings from Brevard Watercolor Society members were chosen by judge Judy Mercer. Categories for art this year were Refuge Flora, Fauna, and Life on the Indian River Lagoon. Awards were presented at the Opening Reception at the Refuge Visitor Center on Sunday, November 3, 2019, which included:

Best of Show: Therese Ferguson, “Prickly Pears”
MIWA Award: Susan Smith, “Cleared for Landing”
Best of Life on the Lagoon: Mikey Riedl, “Laguna De Ais”
Best of Flora: Therese Ferguson, “Prickly Pears”
Best of Fauna: Susan Smith, “Cleared for Landing”
Merit Award: Darleen Hunt, “Red Kayak”
Merit Award: Cindy McKee, “Gliding Towards Sunset”

Click on the photos below to enlarge:

Our thanks to the Merritt Island National Wildlife Association and Refuge for their support and enthusiasm in hosting the show and reception. Hats off to our judge Judy Mercer, as well as MINWR’s Kim King-Wrenn and Layne Hamilton for selecting the MIWA Award. As always, we are grateful for Co-Chairs Darleen Hunt and Therese Ferguson.

In addition to congratulating the award winners, we applaud the artists who were chosen to exhibit in this year’s show: Mary Antes, Kathie Benson, Barbara Burkhardt, Pete Crumpacker, Jeanette Drake, Therese Ferguson, Diane Harmon, Darleen Hunt, Dorothy Koliba, Susan Kessler, Christiane Kopp, Beth Kring, Phyllis Lappert, Phyllis Marple, Carol Marshall, Connie Marshall, Cindy McKee, Beverly Morgan, Mikey Riedl, Susan Smith, Sue Tully, Lolly Walton and Debbie Whalen.

Please be sure to visit the exhibition, on view until January 30, 2020 at the MINWR Visitor Center, 1987 Scrub Jay Way in Titusville.

September BWS General Meeting Review

Through the years, I have always felt blessed to see people in various organizations volunteer to work together for the common good. Last week at the September 14th BWS general meeting, I experienced that same cohesive feeling of camaraderie when I saw my fellow artists step forward and volunteer to fill vacant offices, chair a committee or join a committee that needed help. The board put out a call for help and the membership said YES. Isn’t it just wonderful when everything falls naturally into place?

We are proud to announce the new BWS elected officers:

  • Our 1st Vice President (workshops) is Karen Krosnick,
  • Our 2nd Vice President (Membership) is Barbara Rios,
  • and our Secretary is Mary Warnick.

I also wish to thank Cathy Robinson for volunteering to be our new greeter, and Pat Bowlds and Grace Delanoy for all their hard work in creating our lovely new website. 

Special thanks to Frank Spino for the wonderful demo immediately following our meeting. We all appreciate the opportunity to learn from such a talented artist, and are fortunate to have him as an active member.

After the Saturday meeting, I received an email from Phyllis Marple offering to chair a committee of BWS members to run Splash 2020. The committee is composed of Debbie Whalen, Cindy McKee, Lolly Walton and of course, Phyllis Marple. What a pleasant surprise it was to discover that they were willing to take on this monumental job for us. Many of these ladies have worked Splash shows in the past, and are very experienced with Splash operations.

My thanks go out to all of you who have volunteered to sacrifice their time and energy for BWS. We still have a few positions open. Currently, we need chairs for Publicity (other than Splash), Plein-air, a webmaster apprentice, and more teachers willing to do mini workshops.  If you are interested in any of these positions, let any board member or committee chair know.

Donah Miller
BWS President

Photos courtesy of Ruth Foreman.

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