President’s Message, December 2022

President’s Message, December 2022

Season’s Greetings and a big “welcome back” to our snowbirds.

As the holidays approach and 2022 comes to an end, remember to carve out some time for yourself. Count your blessings, set your goals, and do or create something just for you. When you nurture yourself, even for brief moments here and there, you re-energize yourself and are then able to better care for all of the people who admire and rely on you.

Congratulations to all our award winners from the wildlife show: Flora & Fauna of Brevard County! Photos of the winning entries are on our Facebook Page.  The entries were magnificent. Please take time out of your busy holiday schedules to view all of the paintings: Cocoa Library, Viera Government Building, floors 1-3 and the Eau Gallie Library. Many thanks to Therese Ferguson and Darleen Hunt and all of the volunteers who helped make this event such a success.

Splash is approaching fast!  February 18-19, 2023. You’ll find the Prospectus here. Open to all BWS members whose dues have been paid by January 1, 2023, or with the Splash application.

Speaking of which…..2023 Membership can be done on line. Membership renewal and application. Questions can be directed to Donna Ware.

A reminder and a plea – Laurie Griffin will end her role as Mini-Workshop Coordinator at the end of the year. We have not had anyone come forward to fill the role. We need someone to continue this high interest program for our group. Please let me know if you’re interested in bringing your ideas and commitment to the role.

We have another committee position coming open later in 2023. Michele Loftus-Trzcinski will end her role as Webmaster in December 2023.  Please let me know if you’re interested. We’re hoping to get an early commitment for a smooth transition.

Keeping the group active and informed is all done through volunteering. I invite you to contribute your talent and some of your time to keep us going strong.

Under the category of counting blessings – I want to thank the Board, Committee members and Diane Harmon who have been so helpful in familiarizing me with the inner workings of BWS. I was moved beyond words by all of the members who offered personal notes of encouragement at the General Meeting.


Wishing you all the best,


Teri Mahnken

BWS President