Frank Spino’s Video: “Studio Tour and More”
Paintings by Lynn Tweed
February’s mini workshop will be conducted via Zoom. Frank Spino will present the excellent video he recorded for the Florida Watercolor Society. His presentation, “Studio Tips”, included lots of information on organizing your art life – your studio, your art work and entries in art shows. Frank will be available after the presentation to answer any questions.
After Frank’s presentation, Lynn Tweed will guide us through painting some beautiful beach scenes. We’ll be painting 2 or 3 mini beach scenes with dunes inspired by photos Lynn took while visiting Cumberland Island. Lynn will be painting 6 x 4 inch sheets, but you can paint larger if you choose. Reference Photos will be provided.
To register and receive meeting access information please send an email to Laurie Griffin, lbgriffi88@gmail.com before February 16th.