Registration will close for Roberta’s workshop on 1/16/21

Roberta Romeo
and Subject – Lobster
Paint a lobster with Roberta Romeo via Zoom. You might have seen Roberta’s demonstration at the Florida Watercolor Society convention earlier this year, she currently teaches at the Beach Art Center in Indian Rocks Beach Florida.
To register send an email to me at lbgriffi88@gmail.com. If you haven’t used Zoom it’s very easy to set up. You can find detailed instructions here: https://www.seniorsguide.com/technology/a-step-by-step-guide-to-a-zoom-meeting/
If you have any questions feel free to contact me – Laurie Griffin, 321 – 544-3041 or lbgriffi88@gmail.com.
In the meantime if you’d like to try one of Roberta’s classes, she is teaching online each Wednesday from the Beach Art Center. You’ll need to register by Friday the previous week to attend. For information on Roberta’s classes and art click on the link below.